Hitchhikers' Guide TV scripts to be published for the first time | Annotated book to offer 'a deeper understanding' of Douglas Adams's classic

Hitchhikers' Guide TV scripts to be published for the first time

Annotated book to offer 'a deeper understanding' of Douglas Adams's classic

The original scripts from The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy TV series  are to be published for the first time.

They are the last remaining long-form writing by creator Douglas Adams yet to published.

Kevin Jon Davies, who worked on the original series and who edited last year’s book 42: The Wildly Improbable Ideas of Douglas Adams, will compile, contextualise and annotate the scripts.

The news breaks on the eve of Towel Day tomorrow, the annual celebration of Adams, who died in 2001 at the age of 49.

Never Could Get The Hang Of Thursdays coverThe collection of scripts from the six episodes, which aired in 1981, is to be published in the autumn of next year and titled  I Never Could Get the Hang of Thursdays.

Publishers Unbound say it ‘will offer a deeper understanding of the cultural impact and legacy of the much beloved series’.

They added: ‘It will reveal an unprecedented behind-the-scenes look into the creative process behind the development of the iconic 1981 The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy BBC television series and will feature exclusive interviews with the author Douglas Adams, the producer-director Alan J.W. Bell and the original cast and crew members, including Simon Jones, David Dixon, Mark Wing-Davey, Sandra Dickinson and Stephen Moore. 

‘The book will include untold stories and ephemera including production notes, on-set photographs, anecdotes, innovative FX designs and graphic images from the award-winning animation sequences, storyboard art and BBC memos and production paperwork.'

Kevin Jon Davies

Davies, above, said: ‘This book will fulfil my long-cherished plan to see Douglas’s hilarious 1980 television scripts published, showcasing his satirical genius - with startling sci-fi concepts unique to this particular production. 

‘Rich in design and electronic trickery, the show was lauded for its state-of-the-art effects, graphics and radiophonic soundscapes. An enormous hit with a great cast, warmly praised by fans and critics alike, winning 3 Baftass and other major industry awards, often repeated, re-released on VHS, DVDs and Blu-Ray.’ 

Davies was a young art student when he heard the Hitchhiker’s Guide radio series air in 1978. He sought out its little-known author Douglas Adams to record an early fanzine interview and went on to direct The Making of Hitchhiker, the 1993 documentary for BBC Video

 Adams then invited him to art-direct The Illustrated Hitchhiker, a large-format book with pioneering digital composites. Since then he has contributed to a number of Adams-related projects, including The Hexagonal Phase in 2018, the final radio series of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

Unbound’s Senior Editor Mathew Clayton said: ‘We are delighted to be joining Douglas and Kevin on another trip around the world of Hitchhikers. This is the last long piece of Douglas's writing still to be published. The TV series was my introduction to the world of Hitchhikers which makes it even more special that we are doing this book.’

Unbound is now taking advance orders to fund the book here.

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Published: 24 May 2024

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