Edinburgh Fringe comedy reviews 2016
The best, and the rest, of the festival
Doug Anthony All Stars (DAAS) Live On Stage
James Acaster: Reset *
Louis CK
Scott Agnew: I’ve Snapped My Banjo String, Let’s Just Talk
Zoe-Coombs-Marr: Trigger Warning *
Adam Hess: Feathers
Adam Kay: Fingering A Minor On The Piano
Al Porter: At Large
Bill Burr
Bridget Christie: Mortal
Chris Gethard: Career Suicide
Daphne's Second Show
Fin Taylor: Whitey McWhiteface
Spencer Jones presents The Herbert in Eggy Bagel
Zach & Viggo: Thunderflop *
Alice Fraser: The Resistance *
The Birthday Girls: Sh!t Hot Party Legends
Brendon Burns: Dumb White Guy
Carey Marx: Hero Of The People
Colin Hoult / Anna Mann: A Sketch Show For Depressives
Emma Sidi: Telenovela
Felicity Ward: 50% More Likely To Die
Henry Paker: Guilty
Jamali Maddix: Chickens Come Home To Roost
Jarlath Regan: Arseways
Joel Dommett: Pretending To Smoke With A Breadstick
John-Luke Roberts Builds A Monster
Jon Pointing: Act Natural
Jonathan Pie: Live
Jonny Pelham: Fool's Paradise
Jordan Brookes: The Making Of
Justin Moorhouse: People and Feelings
Kirsty Newton: Life Begins at Party!
Kieran Hodgson: Maestro
Lolly 2
Mark Thomas: The Red Shed
Mark Watson: I'm Not Here
Mat Ewins Will Make You A Star
Mr Swallow – Houdini
Nath Valvo: Happy Idiot
Nish Kumar: Actions Speak Louder Than Words...
Richard Gadd: Monkey See Monkey Do
The Red Richardson Experience
Sean McLoughlin: Kamikaze
Sarah Kendall: Shaken
Seymour Mace: Shit Title
Shappi Khorsandi: Oh My Country!
Simon Evans: In The Money
Susan Calman: The Calman Before The Storm
Suzi Ruffell: Common
Tez Ilyas: Made In Britain
Tom Ballard: The World Keeps Happening *
Tom Walker: Beep Boop *
The Travelling Sisters
Viv Groskop: Be More Margo
Zoe Lyons: Little Misfit
Ahir Shah: Machines
Alfie Brown: Scissor
Ari Shaffir: Ari S-P-E-C-T
Andrew Hunter Murray: Round One
Bethany Black: (Extra)Ordinary
Bilal Zafar: Cakes
Bluesy Woozy Man
Brennan Reece: Everglow
Candy Gigi: If I Had A Rich Man
Carl Donnelly: Bad Man Tings
David Mills: Shame!
David Quirk: Approaching Perfection *
Dylan Gott: Tubby Tubby Dumb Dumb
Ellie Taylor: Infidelliety
Flo & Joan: Victory Flaps
Garrett Millerick: The Dreams Stuff Is Made Of
Glenn Moore: Glengarry Glen Glenn/a>
Harriet Kemsley: The Girl On The Wrong Train
Hal Cruttenden: Straight Outta Cruttenden
Ian Lane: Aloof!
Jayde Adams: 31
John Robertson: Arena Spectacular!
Kate Lucas: Whatever Happened To Kate Lucas?
Kiri Pritchard-McLean: Hysterical Woman
Larry Dean: Farcissist
Laurence Clark: Independence
Lou Sanders: What's That Lady Doing?
Lucy Porter: Consequences
Luke Kempner: Judi Dench Broke My Heart
Michelle Wolf: So Brave
Milo McCabe: The Unflappable Troy Hawke
Naz Osmanoglu: Exposure
Peter Brush: Dreams With Advert Breaks
Phil Ellis Is Alone Together
Phil Jerrod: Hypocrite
Pippa Evans: Same Same But Different
Rachel Parris: Best Laid Plans
Rhys James: Forgives
Ron White: Live In Scotchland
Sam Campbell: The Last Dreamer
Sam Simmons: Not A People Person
Simon Slack: The Fantasist
Sleeping Trees: Sci-Fi?
Sofie Hagen: Shimmer Shatter
Stuart Goldsmith:Compared To What
Stuart Mitchell: Dealt A Bad Hand
This Glorious Monster: Wrong 'Uns
Tim Renkow: King Of The Tramps
Twins: Two Balls In A Bag
Vir Das: Unbelievable
Wayne Deakin: Talk Hard
Will Franken: Little Joe
Alison Spittle Discovers Hawaii
Andrew Lawrence: The Hate Speech Tour
Archie Maddocks: Shirts vs Skins
Ayesha Hazarika: Tales From The Pink Bus
Baron Fingolfin: The Stranger
Burnistoun Live at the Fringe
Chris Forbes: Tall Needy Mutant
Darren Walsh: S'Pun
David Stanier's Silly Party
Ed Gamble: Stampede
Elf Lyons: Pelican
Eric Lampaert: Alien Of Extraordinary Ability
Erich McElroy's (US) Electile Dysfunction
Ever Mainard: Let Me Be Your Main Man
Geoff Norcott: Conswervative
Goose: Hydroberserker
Hate N Live
He's Simple, He's Dumb, He's Daniel Cook
Jake Yapp Is One In A Million
Joe Davies: Who's The Daddy?
Joe DeRosa: Zero Forward Progress
John Hastings: Integrity
Juliette Burton: Decision Time
Katy Brand: I Was A Teenage Christian
Kieran Boyd: Egg
The Late Night With Boabby Roaster Show
Lords Of Strut: Late Night TV Talk Show
Mark Silcox: Helping Aamer
Marny Godden: Where's John's Porridge Bowl?
Mawaan Rizwan: Gender Neutral Concubine Pirate
Matt Price: Poltroon
Michael Brunstrom: The Hay Wain Reloaded
Mike Ward: Freedom Of Speech Isn't Free
Nathan Cassidy: 42
Pat Cahill: D.O.T.T.
Paul F Taylor: Sour Apes
Paul Foot: 'Tis A Pity She's A Piglet
Paul McMulan: Alcopop
Peter and Bambi Heaven: The Magic Inside *
Rahul Kohli: Newcastle Brown Male
Randy Writes A Novel
The Simpsons Taught Me Everything I Know *
Sooz Kempner: Queen
Sophie Willan: On Record
Toby Adams: Fit
Tom Ward: Sex, Snails and Cassette Tapes
Twonkey's Mumbo Jumbo Hotel
Adam Rowe: Bittersweet Little Lies
Christopher MacArthur-Boyd and Rosco McLelland
Dominic Frisby: Let's Talk About Tax
Elliot Steel: Netflix 'n' Steel
Jiggle & Hyde Present: Sketchy Mother Pluckers
Luke Graves: Living Luke
Lynne Jassem: From Como To Homo
Nick Hall: Szgrabble
Police Cops
Shane Todd: Holywood to Hollywood
24 Hours With Mary Lynn Rajskub
Wayne Carter Teaches You To Be Fabulous
The Weaning Of Life
Yeti’s Demon Dive Bar
David Longley: Everything I Hate About My Club Set
The Eulogy
Extreme Broadcasting
The Free Association Presents... Wunderkammer
Hell To Play
Maddy Anholt: Rent Girl
Neal Portenza. Neal Portenza. Neal Portenza. Tracey.
Patrick Melton: My Least Favourite Everything
Radio Active
Rowena Hutson: Strong Female Character
Thomas Green: That'll Teach You
Will Mars: Schtick Shift
Comedy With a Colour Blind Dyslexic Geordie Who Also Has An Underactive Thyroid
Dave Lemkin: The Village Hall
Line-up shows where stars are meaningless...
BBC Radio New Comedy Award Final
Chortle Student Comedy Award Final
So You Think You're Funny? 2016 final
*=Seen some time before the Edinburgh Fringe started:
Published: 29 Jul 2016