Alfie Moore at Chortle's Fast Fringe 2024
Policeman-turned-comic returns to Edinburgh
Here's policeman turned comedian Alfie Moore with an extract from his Edinburgh show, recorded at Chortle’s Fast Fringe gig in London.
Moore's show, Fair Cop – Live at Hill Street Theatre, follows the same format as his Radio 4 programme, in which he leads the audience through a real-life case asking how they would handle it.
Fast Fringe is also back at Edinburgh, showcasing 12 different comedy and variety acts every day of the festival at Pleasance Dome at 6.30pm. Tickets: https://www.pleasance.co.uk/event/fast-fringe
This footage was filmed at Leicester Square Theatre by comedy streaming service NextUp, which will also be providing content from Edinburgh. Details here: https://nextupcomedy.com/?rfsn=7448790.c5d56f
Published: 1 Aug 2024