BBC to pilot a new Scottish sitcom | Development scheme announced at its comedy festival in Glasgow

BBC to pilot a new Scottish sitcom

Development scheme announced at its comedy festival in Glasgow

The BBC is to order a new narrative comedy pilot to be produced in Scotland and featuring Scottish talent. 

The news was announced  at the Corporation’s Comedy Festival in Glasgow and follows a similar scheme last year which led to the series commission of Only Child, starring Gregor Fisher and Greg McHugh.

The initiative is a collaboration with  Screen Scotland –and also includes the funding two development producers within existing production companies for a year.

Louise Thornton, head of commissioning at BBC Scotland, pictured, said: ‘Scotland has long been a hotbed of comedy talent both in front of and behind the screen and we’re proud to be playing our part in making sure our comedy funny bones remain healthy through this initiative. 

‘It will make sure Scotland’s pipeline for developing comedy talent remains strong.’

Details on how to submit proposals for the pilot opportunity and apply for the development producer placements will follow later.

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Published: 23 May 2024

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