King conga

Ross Noble's festival stunt

Ross Noble has led a 3,000-strong conga line around a music festival, eventually leading them all to one bemused vegan food stall.

In a stunt reminiscent of Steve Martin or Andy Kaufman at their peak, Noble emptied the comedy tent at the Latitude festival in Suffolk yesterday, and led his audience around the rest of the site.

On his instructions, they descended on the food stall, when, en masse, they yelled ‘sausage roll’ at the bemused owner. Then Noble crowd-surfed to safety.

Chortle reviewer Corry Shaw, who is at the festival, said: ‘He created a moment that people will talk about for years to come.

‘The few thousand of us that screamed “sausage roll” in the face of a very confused vegan will be able to say, “I was there.”’

In 1979, Andy Kaufman led the entire 2,800-strong audience of New York’s Carnegie Hall out for tea and cookies, which he had previously arranged at a nearby cafe. And in the mid-Seveties Steve Martin led his audience to a hamburger joint in Nashville, ordered 274 hamburgers, then switched the request to one French fry to go.

Published: 19 Jul 2008

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