Colin Jost and Michael Che exchange jokes again...
Saturday Night Live tradition continues
Colin Jost and Michael Che continued their tradition of writing offensive jokes for each other to say on the Weekend Update section of Saturday Night Live.
The pair have long swapped gags in the final episode of each season and last night was no exception, with Che noting sarcastically: ‘The idea of course is to give each other fun jokes - almost supportive jokes – that would not ruin each other’s summer - or career.’
Then Che admitted that last time he tricked invited an actress to pretend to be a civil rights hero, adding: ‘That was low. So to make it up to you this time, I invited an actual, practising rabbi.’
Jost was then made to addressing the story about pro-Palestinian students walking out of Jerry Seinfeld commencement speech, saying: ‘I think that’s disgraceful. During these difficult times it’s important to support our Jewish friends. That’s why the only chant you’ll hear from me is, "Free Weinstein!"’’
Later, Jost joked: ‘So, rabbi, if you’re here, who is controlling the weather?’ – and was also made to make jokes about his wife Scarlett Johansson.
Meanwhile, Jost made some trouble for Che too:
Earlier they delivered their more traditional mix of topical jokes on topics such as the planned Trump vs. Biden debates, King Charles’s controversial portrait- and McDonald’s introducing a grandma inspired McFlurry.
Published: 19 May 2024