Renamed simply The Lumberjacks for the ensuing tour...

Fifteen years ago three fresh-faced Canadian comics - Stewart Francis, Craig Campbell and Glenn Wool - made their Edinburgh debut at the fledgling Stand Comedy Club. A decade and a half later and they’ve grown into formidable performers with an enviable string of broadcast credits and live tours under their belts. Craig Campbell, who proudly calls himself ‘The Moosefucker’, has been compared to a young Billy Connolly (maybe it’s the beard?); Glenn Wool has been described as handsome and funny; and Stewart Francis has a reputation for killer one-liners.

Independently each of these Canucks fill theatres up and down the land but this year they’re joining forces in a feature-length show.

Upcoming Dates

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The Lumberjacks

They are three excellent comics who, you would hope, could surely each tour under their own name.

These comics also appear in:

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