Myq Kaplan: ImPerfect | Edinburgh Fringe comedy review
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Myq Kaplan: ImPerfect

Edinburgh Fringe comedy review

ImPerfect is an honest and sweet monologue that’s profoundly significant to Myq Kaplan as he pays heartfelt tribute to his partner and the relationship he nurtures every day.

It’s a layered story with philosophical nuggets providing plenty of food for thought, pithily expressed with eloquence, elegance and intelligence.

What it isn’t, however, is laugh-out-loud funny. There are plenty of moments of wry recognition or objectively amusing ideas, but they are presented rather unassumingly as part of Kaplan's broader thesis on togetherness. He wears his smarts on his sleeve, contentedly enjoying the cleverness of a construction rather than shouting his love with a passion from the rooftops. The result is frequent smiles rather than huge bursts of laughter.

Perhaps that’s apt given that the nebbish Kaplan recoils from grand gestures. After describing his transition from being a polyamorous man afraid of commitment to being content in his monogamy, he explains that marriage is not for him. Neither the performative act of proposing nor the pointless traditions of a wedding are how he wants to show his love. And along the way, he offers the perfect putdown for any homophobe citing ‘Biblical marriage’ as the only way of life.

He also shares some advice on how to ‘get’ women – far from the sort of tips peddled by Andrew Tate – talks ayahuasca trips, makes droll jokes drawn from his Jewishness and fails to get to grips with the Australian accent.

Given how well-polished every component of this show is, it comes as little surprise that its conclusion neatly wraps up so many of the ideas it contained more exquisitely than the usual forced callback. But the last word goes to his partner Rini, who proves as touchingly romantic and lucid as the comedian on stage – indeed, Kaplan credits her for co-writing the show.

Hearts are duly warmed, but sides remain unsplit.

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Review date: 15 Aug 2023
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett
Reviewed at: Underbelly Cowgate

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