Gavin & Stacey cast: Our favourite moments
...as they confess to stealing mementos from set, too!
Ahead of the final episode of Gavin and Stacey, some of the star-studded supporting cast recall their favourite moments since the show began in 2007 – and whether they tried to grab any mementos from the set before the show ended…
Favourite moments
Alison Steadman as Pam
Eating ham and being found out for not being a vegetarian by Stacey. Oh and also speaking in olde English!
Larry Lamb as Mick
A particular favourite moment is the scene with me and Alison in bed and I’m wearing the fake ears and we’re pretending to be Charles and Camilla.
Melanie Walters as Gwen
I have a soft spot for most of the scenes in Gwen's house. Stacey's interview, Nessa's birthing pangs where Bryn holds up four fingers, Gwen and Bryn giving fertility advice to Gavin, Mint Baileys, and of course… Doris. I also love the gym scene in Bryn's house which is very very funny and in the wedding car where Bryn reads the letter to Stacey is so brilliantly written, so poignant.
Oscar Hartland as Neil the Baby
My earliest memory I have of Gavin and Stacey was being sat in the trolley at probably only four years old. I sort of grew up knowing I was in the show, and I remember I wanted to ask everybody I ever met if they had seen Gavin and Stacey so I could then leave them with a shock, that I was Neil the Baby!
My favourite moment has got to be the carol singing scene with Nessa. It’s really something I could’ve seen them both doing, especially rattling the tin.
Steffan Rhodri as Daves Coaches
I think the wedding from the final episode of series 3 is my favourite. John Prescott, Noel from Hearsay, Smithy arriving like Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate… That and the fight with Pete in the first Christmas special!
Robert Wilfort as Jason
Arriving at the barn dance was a great moment. The look on Rob's face was wonderful. I've loved all my scenes with Rob, the whole fishing trip drama. But my favourite bits have always been the ‘mundane’ or ‘normal’ chats that Ruth and James write so well, like discussing Bryn's love of Deal or No Deal, or what motorway services they like the best. They have a brilliant way of capturing everyday conversations but finding the absurd in them.
Julia Davis as Dawn
Maybe Pete and I singing ‘if you’re lost you can look and you will find me…’ (Time After Time)
Adrian Scarborough as Pete
The oven gloves scene is a thing of beauty. Four men in a kitchen having a life or death discussion. The vows renewal is a miracle of editing as we had giggled non-stop
Stolen souvenirs
Alison Steadman: I always keep a call sheet and treasure it, it always has everyone’s name on it
Larry Lamb: I’ve got a few of Mick’s shirts and a pair of shorts!
Melanie Walters: I do have Gwen's shoes and bags, maybe to donate to a fashion charity. To be honest Gwen's taste isn't exactly mine. I should have kept an apron from the first series shouldn't I? I do have the calendar from the finale!
Oscar Hartland: I was lucky to be able to keep the white Converse, I’ve always wanted a pair.
Steffan Rhodri: I had to remind the costume designer this time of how Dave really loves a fancy shirt, especially if it’s cowboy themed. So I snuck two of them away with me, either to wear for an appropriate occasion or to auction off at the right time.
Robert Wilfort: Our last day at Gwen's house was an emotional day so it felt appropriate to nick a few love spoons from the front room wall and some egg cups from the kitchen.
Julia Davis: I may have tried to sneak Pete back to my house.
Adrian Scarborough: The props department behave like the Flying Squad. I have ‘obtained’ several rather special props over the years. There’s a particular ring I managed to commandeer…!
• Gavin & Stacey: The Finale will air at 9pm on Christmas Day and the behind-the-scenes documentary Gavin & Stacey: A Fond Farewell will air at 7pm on New Year’s Day, both on BBC One and iPlayer.
- Behind-the-scenes photos
- Interview with Ruth Jones
- Interview with James Corden
- Interview with Joanna Page
- Interview with Mathew Horne
- Interview with Rob Brydon
Published: 10 Dec 2024