Award winning comedian and clown Elf Lyons presents a surreal tale of love and loneliness. In the style of a 1980s Elton John rock concert.
In August 2018 Elf was planning a physical clown show with dance, tap, rock n roll and the splits. However, a couple of months later, disaster struck; Elf was taken to the hospital and told it was best that she never performs again. After months lying on her back and in and out of MRI machines, Elf had to rethink what she was going to do and how she was going to perform again. This inspired her to create this new show Love Songs to Guinea Pigs as a response.
Join Elf as she embodies her inner Katherine Hepburn on an absurd narrative of heartbreak and love with live music, terrible mime, silly characters, enthusiastic accents and entirely true stories. This is Brief Encounter, but with rodents.
LSTGP is the perfect show to take a Tinder date to, a friend who is going through a difficult divorce, your step-mum as an attempt to ‘bond’ or indeed just come on your own and be a lege
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Elf Lyons: Love Songs To Guinea Pigs
She’s a comic whose become known for her long-limbed physicality and the sort of buffoonery that can only be honed at French clown school.