Comedians Of The World – Atul Khatri: The Happiest Ending
Note: This review is from 2019
Netflix special reviewed by Steve Bennett
One of two English speaking Indian comedians in Netflix’s Comedians Of The World series, Atul Khatri nonetheless slips freely into Hindi for punchlines and for retelling conversations. It means his stand-up requires more attention from the anglophone viewer, since you have to pay attention to subtitles, not just listen passively, if you want to catch every joke.
His material is fairly universal. He starts by talking about passing 50 and being considered old because of his ‘salt and pepper’ hair, while the longest story involves going on a night out with the ‘boys’ of similar vintage, vastly overestimating their capacity for hedonism and their ability to pick up women.
He may bristle at being called ‘uncle’ - that ubiquitous term for any middle-aged Indian man - but Khatri is avuncular, good-humoured and engaging company. He peppers his set with positive messages for his audience, too, such as stating that however much Indians might complain about each other ‘only an Indian helps another Indian’.
For those not from the subcontinent, his chatty but safe material – from complaints about having a shrewish wife to Chewbacca impressions – might be too lightweight to make Khatri a must-see... but it’s a jolly enough half-hour.
• Comedians Of The World – Atul Khatri: The Happiest Ending is on Netflix now. Watch here.
Review date: 9 Jan 2019
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett