Comedians Of The World - K Trevor Wilson: Talking Sh*t
Note: This review is from 2019
Netflix special reviewed by Steve Bennett
You can’t fault K Trevor Wilson’s commitment to his chosen subject – though you might have reservations about what it is: shit.
After a little preamble about his slobby nature and pouring scorn on those who treat pets as if they are part of the family, this grouchy, deadpan comic settles in for more than 20 minutes of scatological humour.
Of course, gags about shit have a long, if not exactly proud, history given the underlying notion that defecation is a great leveller. Even most elevated of humans has to suffer its indignity, and jokes about shit are a reminder that for all society’s progress we are still base animals.
At one point Wilson even argues: ’I know this is toilet humour, but this is very clever toilet humour’. Although just saying things slowly doesn’t make it smart. In fact, his drawn-out delivery means you can often leap ahead of his logic to figure out the punchlines long before he gets there.
Some of them are very funny – especially within the extended routine about carrying a bag of dog poop marks him as not to be messed with – but they are just too few and far between to make this a compelling special.
Eighteen years into his comedy career, Wilson is not going to change his approach, but there are limitations to his shitty shtick.
• Comedians Of The World - K Trevor Wilson: Talking Sh*t is available on Netflix now. Click here to watch
Review date: 5 Jan 2019
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett