Steve Williams: Binge Thinking
Note: This review is from 2007
Review by Steve Bennett
It’s not often I laugh so hard that I snort like a pig. But I did in Steve Williams’ show.He has a welcoming style which embraces the audience. Latecomers are ushered in with a cheeky smile while he finds them a seat. Giving his full house a few moments to settle in, he chats companionably with us. He is the perfect, welcoming and great at putting the room at ease.
This working-class Welshman’s whimsical view on the world is infectious and very funny. He moves effortlessly from suggesting that to reduce stress, whalesong should be used in car horns and his own ideas on where terrorists are going wrong. I liked his suggestion for riling up Londoners much more than Bin Laden’s.
Williams has a silly sense of humour, imagining the obvious use for a pig’s ‘corkscrew’ penis and creating a dolphin ‘knock, knock’ joke – two of my favourite moments of the show.
Williams is clearly a nice guy. At one point he asks a man in the audience if he has seen 300. After a pause, Williams realises he is confused and has missed that he is referring to the film. Instead of making the man feel foolish, he jokes with him and moves on. We all get a good laugh and no one feels picked on. How refreshing.
For anyone unhappy about confrontational comedy, this show is a must. Actually, if you are any sort comedy fan, you should see this show for his unique take on the world. There are some one-liners and asides that I am still quoting three days later.
It is an hour that’s just plain funny, bound to cheer up even the grumpiest punter.
Reviewed by: Rosie Carnahan
Review date: 1 Jan 2007
Reviewed by: Steve Bennett