What track do you walk on to and why?
For my last show my entry music was All I Do Is Win by DJ Khaled, which is one of the most arrogant songs ever written. I thought people would know it was ironic but apparently I owned it too well and came across as VERY cocky.
Jenny Bede: Eggtime, Pleasance Dome,20:10
Bad Mother Fucker, by Machine Gun Kelly. It’s the kind of song a wrestler walks out to, and as an overweight eczema sufferer with collapsed arches, I feel its wholly appropriate.
Micky Bartlet, Typical, Gilded Balloon, 17:15
Heavy metal cover of ‘Hello’ by Adele. Initially because it made us laugh. Now because it would feel weird not to.
Sisters: White Noise, Pleasance Courtyard, 19:15
50 Cent - What up Gangsta. The thought of a middle class arts festival audience, people dressed in corduroy and red socks, rain macs and chinos being forced to listen to gangsta rap is funny to me. It's an introduction to a world they wouldn't usually be part of. I also love the thumping bass, it captures your attention for good or for bad so you're forced to have to listen and see what's gong on.
Kae Kurd: Kurd Your Enthusiasm, Pleasance Courtyard, 17:30
La Banda by Herb Alpert It’s real fun and it's what my team Torquay United run out to or I'm In The Mood For Dancing by The Nolans as that's the first song in my show.
Charlie Baker, The Hit Polisher, Assembly George Square, 20:00
The theme from the television show Dallas, When I was a kid I remember it being on when I'd come downstairs as a child crying to my parents about whatever depressing thing had filled my quiet brain.
Mark Forward Wins All The Awards, Gilded Balloon, 20:15
Currently Kendrick Lamar's DNA. Because f*ck you is why.
Dane Baptiste: G.O.D (Gold Oil Drugs), Pleasance Courtyard,21:00
B*Witched - C'est la Vie. It's very gangster.
Nath Valvo Not In This House, Assembly Studio 4, 21:00
I don't have a walk-on track because then you have to pay extra fees for music usage in the show. If I did have a walk-on track it would be She's A Lady by Tom Jones just to clear up any confusion straight off the bat.
Samantha Baines: 1 Woman, a High-Flyer and a Flat Bottom, Pleasance Courtyard, 15:30
Chelsea Dagger by the Fratellis, because it's funny to give people hope before you take it all away.
The Death Hilarious:, The Scum Always Rises, Pleasance Courtyard, 22:45
The railway track in an attempt to put an end to this painful existence.
Phil Ellis Has Been On Ice, Just The Tonic at The Mash House, 19:40
Published: 11 Aug 2017