It's depressing knowing I'll never be 2 per cent as good as they are'
Red Richardson picks his comedy favourites
Edinburgh Fringe comedian Red Richardson shares his Perfect Playlist
Dumb and Dumber
In my mind, Dumb and Dumber not just one of the best comedy films ever made, but one of the greatest movies of all time. It’s up there with The Godfather, Taxi Driver, King of Comedy and Birdman. I first watched it when I was about eight and I nearly died laughing, me and my brothers and sisters repeat watched it for about a year and sent my parents mad.
When we weren’t watching it we were quoting one of its many brilliant lines, something we still do to this day. A few Christmases ago we rewatched and I laughed as much as I did when I was right years old, over two decades later. Maybe I haven’t evolved at all… but I prefer to think it’s so funny it transcends age.
Eddie Murphy’s Rocky routine
This is an amazing bit of stand-up. Eddie Murphy in my mind was the most naturally gifted comedian of all time, he was brilliant. He could do physical comedy, spot on impressions and had bits that people still quote today almost 40 years from his last ever gig.
Such was his ability, he remains the only comedian I have seen who rarely took the piss out of himself, he had routines about how many women he was sleeping with and because he was so charismatic and funny no one gave a shit.
This routine is an example of all his gifts on display, he puts on a brilliant accent to portray Italian-Americans trying to fight people after watching Rocky. The act-out - from the accents to the sound effects of the ambulance and the doctors tending to the beaten man - are just phenomenal.
The Tim Dillon Show
Tim Dillon is the funniest comedian in the world at the moment. Every week he churns out over an hour of hysterical comedy about anything and everything, he is irreverent, nihilistic, imaginative and so brutally funny.
I rarely laugh at jokes any more because I have seen too many but The Tim Dillon show makes me weep in public. It’s a well needed hour of dark respite, and his apathy helps give a certain amount of levity to the horror show that is modern life.
South Park
In my mind, South Park is the greatest TV comedy show ever made. They have been going for more than two decades and only seem to get better with age which I think is rare for a comedy With most great shows that go on for a long time I find myself thinking, ‘maybe you should’ve stopped three seasons ago’, but South Park just seems to get more relevant and funny over time.
The early eps were just pure toilet humour but in the last decade they have upped the ante and made some of the best episodes of comedy I have ever seen. They seem to nail more about human failings with cartoon characters then I have ever seen in another comedy show with actual actors.
It’s so funny that sometimes I stop watching because I find it depressing knowing I will never be even 2 per cent as good as they are.
Mo Gilligan’s insta videosMo’s geezer character with a string vest, ‘It’s so hot I feel like I’m in Barbados’. His roadman playing truth or dare, the mother of Kamali, he has done so many good videos I can’t name them all. Fucking funny and original, no one was doing what he did and he did it.
Josh Pugh
This man is just so funny. Watch ‘organising a piss up in a brewery’ if you don’t believe me. It’s exceptional.
Piss Up in a Brewery pic.twitter.com/N3uTkw6Ysa
— Josh Pugh (@JoshPughComic) February 28, 2022
Alistair Green
Alistair Green made lockdown a bit more fun, his characters seem to nail so many people you meet on a daily basis in Britain. He did an ITV2 drama spoof that I have watched more times than I care to admit and blonde-haired female Karen type character is vile but so funny.
There’s a such a range of funny characters on his Insta page so if he haven’t already go watch.
• Red Richardson: Shots Fired is at the Pleasance Courtyard Bunker One at 9.55pm
Published: 24 Aug 2022
Past Shows
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