The creator and star of ITV2’s hit sitcom, Buffering, returns to the Fringe following five critically acclaimed shows. He’s appeared on Stand Up Central (Comedy Central), Zoe Ball On Sunday (ITV), Love Island: Aftersun (ITV2) and was the host of BBC Radio 4’s Economics With Subtitles. This year he’s discussing babies, eye tests and the time he went on holiday with 20 women. 'Steve's a charming, likeable stand-up with a set packed with gags' (Sunday Post). 'An eye for comic detail that's all his own' (Guardian). 'Plentiful jokes and compelling storytelling' (Scotsman).
Upcoming Dates
Date: Thu 7 Nov 2024
Venue: Belfast The Limelight
Price: £15.50
Show starts: 19:00 (Doors open approx 30 mins earlier)