If you could change one thing about the Fringe, what would it be?
Note: This review is from 2017
The length. That poxy half week at the start is what makes it too long. And the poxy week at the end.....in fact it should just be that week in the middle.
Geoff Norcott Right Leaning But Well Meaning, Underbelly Wee Coo, 18:40
Cheaper accommodation. The landlords have cottoned on to the goldmine they're sat on each August, and it's a big chunk of any show's budget.
The Prophetic Visions of Bethany Lewis, Underbelly Cowgate, 22:50
I wouldn't call it The Fringe. Everyone else calls it The Edinburgh Festival and I think it’s time that became official. Millions of people watch music and comedy and theatre and dance each year, how many people watch cannons? Not enough is my answer. The Fringe is no longer the Fringe. Embrace it.
Tom Neenan: Attenborough, Underbelly Buttercup, 15:55
The location. Edinburgh is beautiful and all but the weather is atrocious (a lot of the time) and it's so hilly. Up and down all the time. Let's just call it quits and move it to Lincolnshire, yeah?
Morgan & West: Return of the Time-Travelling Magicians, Underbelly Med Quad, 17:15
Every single show should be a fiver to see.
Jessica Fostekew: The Silence of the Nans, Just The Tonic @ The Caves, 16:00
I think they should make it like the World Cup and have it every four years, and have it like a tournament so it's more exciting. So shows perform in front of each other at the same time for 90mins, then which ever show gets the most laughs progresses to the next round until eventually we're left with 2 just shows. They then fight each other to the death to decide who wins the Edinburgh Award and gets to host the following year’s fringe in their home town.
Michael Stranney: Welcome To Ballybeg, Pleasance Courtyard, 18:00
I'd make it illegal for any act who wrote an award winning or sell out to show to lose money, and I'd have all publicists shot on sight.
Amy Howerska is a Goddess *unless tired or hungry, Laughing Horse @The Counting House, 21:45
I would put a minimum walking speed on South Bridge.
Athena Kugblenu: KMT, Underbelly Med Quad, 17:50
People would be given a wild card ticket with every purchase at the box office, which would send them to a randomly allocated show, promoting the discovery new things.
Pippa Evans: Joy Provision, Pleasance Courtyard, 14:40
More diversity of opinion, more diversity of thought.
Damien Slash: Demographic Just The Tonic @ The Caves, 21:20
I wish no one lost money. It makes people less creatively free, having to cater to a certain size of audience, just out of fear that you can't pay your rent the next month. Or year.
Sofie Hagen: Dead Baby Frog, Bedlam Theatre, 14:00
A complete ban on PR. It's a ridiculous cost to performers to pay for some arsehole to bang on about their shows in late bars and get them in pointless 'top-ten' lists that PR have rendered utterly worthless. If we all stopped using them, they'd just go away.
Popular Comedian Rob Mulholland, Just The Tonic @ The Caves, 20:00
All stand-up shows to be maximum 45 minutes in duration, featuring a 12-minute support slot.
Stuart Goldsmith: Like I Mean It, Liquid Rooms Annexe, 15:45
There should be a weekly get out clause for performers who are having a tough run so they can go home. I've been incredibly lucky to have good runs in Edinburgh but seeing a friend have a tough month is heartbreaking. It should be run like a golf tournament where at the end of each week there is a cut and the people struggling can get out of there. The last week would be the top 25 per cent who have had a successful run.
Carl Donnelly: The Nutter On The Bus, Heroes @ Bob's Blundabus, 19:30
Free crêpes. Seriously. Forget ticket sales or alcohol. It's my crêpe habit that's sending me broke. Also move that delicious macaroni cart MUCH further away for my health please.
Gillian Cosgriff: To The Moon And Back, Gilded Balloon Teviot, 21:00
All the bars would sell all the drugs, and not just boring old alcohol.
Jack Barry: High Treason, Just the Tonic at The Mash House, 19:40
Review date: 23 Aug 2017
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